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كيف يتم ملء التاريخ تلقائيًا في الخلية عند تحديث الخلية المجاورة في Excel؟

في بعض الأحيان ، عند تحديث خلية في عمود معين ، قد ترغب في وضع علامة على آخر تاريخ للتحديث. ستوصي هذه المقالة بطريقة VBA لحل هذه المشكلة. عند تحديث الخلية ، سيتم ملء الخلية المجاورة تلقائيًا بالتاريخ الحالي على الفور.

الملء التلقائي للتاريخ الحالي في الخلية عند تحديث الخلية المجاورة برمز VBA

الملء التلقائي للتاريخ الحالي في الخلية عند تحديث الخلية المجاورة برمز VBA

لنفترض أن البيانات التي تحتاجها لتحديث المواقع في العمود B ، وعندما يتم تحديث الخلية في العمود B ، سيتم ملء التاريخ الحالي في الخلية المجاورة للعمود A. انظر لقطة الشاشة:

يمكنك تشغيل كود فبا التالي لحل هذه المشكلة.

1. انقر بزر الماوس الأيمن فوق علامة تبويب الورقة التي تريدها لتعبئة التاريخ تلقائيًا استنادًا إلى الخلية المحدثة المجاورة ، ثم انقر فوق عرض الرمز من قائمة النقر بزر الماوس الأيمن.

2. في نافذة Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications ، يرجى نسخ ولصق رمز VBA أدناه في نافذة Code.

كود فبا: الملء التلقائي للتاريخ الحالي في خلية عند تحديث الخلية المجاورة

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
'Updated by Extendoffice 2017/10/12
    Dim xRg As Range, xCell As Range
    On Error Resume Next
    If (Target.Count = 1) Then
        If (Not Application.Intersect(Target, Me.Range("B:B")) Is Nothing) Then _
            Target.Offset(0, -1) = Date
        Application.EnableEvents = False
        Set xRg = Application.Intersect(Target.Dependents, Me.Range("B:B"))
        If (Not xRg Is Nothing) Then
            For Each xCell In xRg
                xCell.Offset(0, -1) = Date
        End If
        Application.EnableEvents = True
    End If
End Sub


1). في الكود ، B: B تعني أن البيانات المحدثة موجودة في العمود B.
2). -1 يشير إلى أن التاريخ الحالي سيتم ملؤه في العمود الأيسر من العمود B. إذا كنت تريد ملء التاريخ الحالي في العمود C ، يرجى تغيير -1 إلى 1.

3. صحافة قديم + Q مفاتيح في نفس الوقت لإغلاق ميكروسوفت فيسوال باسيك للتطبيقات نافذة.

من الآن فصاعدًا ، عند تحديث الخلايا في العمود B ، سيتم ملء الخلية المجاورة في العمود A بالتاريخ الحالي على الفور. انظر لقطة الشاشة:

مقالات ذات صلة:

أفضل أدوات إنتاجية المكتب

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عزز مهاراتك في Excel باستخدام Kutools for Excel، واختبر كفاءة لم يسبق لها مثيل. يقدم Kutools for Excel أكثر من 300 ميزة متقدمة لتعزيز الإنتاجية وتوفير الوقت.  انقر هنا للحصول على الميزة التي تحتاجها أكثر...


يجلب Office Tab الواجهة المبوبة إلى Office ، ويجعل عملك أسهل بكثير

  • تمكين التحرير والقراءة المبوبة في Word و Excel و PowerPointوالناشر والوصول و Visio والمشروع.
  • فتح وإنشاء مستندات متعددة في علامات تبويب جديدة من نفس النافذة ، بدلاً من النوافذ الجديدة.
  • يزيد من إنتاجيتك بنسبة 50٪ ، ويقلل مئات النقرات بالماوس كل يوم!
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but what IF i want to Change more than value in column B. I Have data From A to L and I want if anyone make changes than in M and N the user and date will automatedly be adedd? Can you help with that?
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This is working great but is there a way to make it so it only prefills the date if the date cell was empty?

For instance, when somebody goes back and updates the cell which triggers the date to be populated, it updates the old date to today's. I'm trying to make it so it only runs if the date cell is blank.

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Hi Tim,
The following VBA code can help you solve this problem. The current date will only be added to cells in column A if the cell is empty when an update to the corresponding cell in column B is made.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
'Updated by Extendoffice 20230721
    Dim xRg As Range, xCell As Range
    On Error Resume Next
    If (Target.Count = 1) Then
        If (Not Application.Intersect(Target, Me.Range("B:B")) Is Nothing) Then
            If Target.Offset(0, -1).Value = "" Then
                Target.Offset(0, -1).Value = Date
            End If
        End If
        Application.EnableEvents = False
        Set xRg = Application.Intersect(Target.Dependents, Me.Range("B:B"))
        If (Not xRg Is Nothing) Then
            For Each xCell In xRg
                If xCell.Offset(0, -1).Value = "" Then
                    xCell.Offset(0, -1).Value = Date
                End If
        End If
        Application.EnableEvents = True
    End If
End Sub
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Hi, Crystal.

This code works perfectly for me with modifications, however, I want to clear the cell if I clear the target. For example, Target Cells change, date and User name populates. GREAT!

BUT, Target Cell is cleared (deleted, " ", or changed to blank) then date and username clears.

Any Ideas?

Here is my current code that works (half way);

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
Dim xRg As Range, xCell As Range
On Error Resume Next

If (Target.Count = 1) Then

If (Not Application.Intersect(Target, Me.Range("B:B")) Is Nothing) Then _
Target.Offset(0, 3) = Environ("USERNAME")

If (Not Application.Intersect(Target, Me.Range("B:B")) Is Nothing) Then _
Target.Offset(0, 4) = Date

Application.EnableEvents = False
Set xRg = Application.Intersect(Target.Dependents, Me.Range("B:B"))

If (Not xRg Is Nothing) Then
For Each xCell In xRg
xCell.Offset(0, 3) = Environ("USERNAME")
xCell.Offset(0, 4) = Date
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True

End If

End Sub
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Hi Leaven Phillips,
The following VBA code can help you solve the problem. Please give it try.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
'Updated by Extendoffice 2023/4/14
    Dim xRg As Range, xCell As Range
    On Error Resume Next

    If Target.Count = 1 Then
        If Not Intersect(Target, Me.Range("B:B")) Is Nothing Then
            If Target.Value = "" Then ' Check if cell in column B is cleared
                Target.Offset(0, 3).ClearContents ' Clear contents of column E
                Target.Offset(0, 4).ClearContents ' Clear contents of column F
            Else ' If cell in column B is not cleared
                Target.Offset(0, 3) = Environ("USERNAME") ' Write username to column E
                Target.Offset(0, 4) = Date ' Write current date to column F
            End If
        End If
        Application.EnableEvents = False
        Set xRg = Application.Intersect(Target.Dependents, Me.Range("B:B"))
        If Not xRg Is Nothing Then
            For Each xCell In xRg
                If xCell.Offset(0, -3).Value = "" Then ' Check if cell in column B is cleared
                    xCell.Offset(0, 3).ClearContents ' Clear contents of column E
                    xCell.Offset(0, 4).ClearContents ' Clear contents of column F
                Else ' If cell in column B is not cleared
                    xCell.Offset(0, 3) = Environ("USERNAME") ' Write username to column E
                    xCell.Offset(0, 4) = Date ' Write current date to column F
                End If
        End If
        Application.EnableEvents = True
    End If
End Sub
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Hi, I'm looking for a time stamp in F2 when a specific status is input into E2, and have G2 time stamped when E2 is updated to new specific status has been entered but not change the time stamp in F2. Is that possible?

Thank you!
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Hi Alexis,
I don't quite understand your question.
What are the two specific status you mentioned above?Do you mean that when a specific value (for example A) is entered in E2, a timestamp is inserted in F2? When another specific value (for example B) is entered in E2, a timestamp is inserted in G2? If you enter a value other than the two specified values in E2, there is no change.
Can you upload a screenshot of your data?
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Example.. I send an email to my boss to get approval on a project. I input that info into my sheet on E2, the time stamp for that status would be on F2. Next day my boss approves project and I update status from pending approval to approved in cell E2. Once its been updated I would like a new time stamp from that input onto G2. Is that possible?

Thank you
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Hi Alexis,
The following VBA code can do you a favor. Please give it a try. Thank you.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
'Updated by Extendoffice 20221028
 Dim xRg As Range
    On Error Resume Next
    If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Set xRg = Intersect(Range("E2"), Target)
    If xRg Is Nothing Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If Target.Value = "panding approval" Then
        Target.Offset(0, 1) = Date
        Application.EnableEvents = False
    ElseIf Target.Value = "approved" Then
        Target.Offset(0, 2) = Date
    End If
    Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
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Hi Crystal,

I copied this to the sheet and it didn't create the times. Do I need to have the formula in the cells before I can add the code? It wont let me paste the shot of the sheet..
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Hi Alexis,
Right click the sheet tab, select View Code from the right-clicking menu and copy the code into the Sheet (Code) window. Save the code and press the Alt + Q keys to close the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window.
When you enter "panding approval" in E2, the current time will be automatically entered in F2, and when you enter "approved" in E2, the current time will be automatically entered in G2.
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Hi Dlnh,
The following VBA code can do you a favor. Please give it a try. Hope I can help.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
'Updated by Extendoffice 2022/6/10
    On Error Resume Next
    If Target.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
    If Application.Intersect(Target, Range("A:A")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    If Target.Value = "yes" Then
        Target.Offset(0, 1) = Date
    End If
End Sub
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please help if is there a way to auto input the date to column B once the specific data input to in column A ? for a sample if I put "yes" to a cell in column A, the date will be inputted to column B and if I put " No", it won't be changed in Column B
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Hi Dlnh,
The following VBA code can do you a favor. Please give it a try. Hope I can help.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
'Updated by Extendoffice 2022/6/10
    On Error Resume Next
    If Target.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
    If Application.Intersect(Target, Range("A:A")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    If Target.Value = "yes" Then
        Target.Offset(0, 1) = Date
    End If
End Sub
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Hi is there a way to modify the code such that when I copy and paste values into column B, column A still auto-populates through VBA?

Also, when I delete data in a row in column B, the date still shows in column A. How do I modify the formula such that if column B is empty in the same row, then the date will also disappear when data is deleted, rather than having to manually delete it. Many thanks!
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Hello, this formula works great.  However, is there a way to set it that it only updates the cell in column A if it is empty?  
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Hi Matt,Sorry, I don't quite understand what you mean. Can you try to be more specific about your question, or provide a screenshot of what you are trying to do?
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Hi, I am using your code as a reference. I want to ask if it is possible to have the following:1. Prevent duplicated date entries2. Have the 2 macro inputs at the same time : Target.Offset(0,-1), Target,Offset(0,1)3. Possible to auto insert an image to the cell?
Was trying to figure it out myself but i can't seem to find any resources online which can help me
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I'm inputting this code into my excel workbook and nothing is happening. Could anyone please help? Ideally, I would like when something is put into column A, time would be put into column B.
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Hi chapo,Try the below code. Hope I can help.<div data-tag="code">Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
'Updated by Extendoffice 2020/10/12
Dim xRg As Range, xCell As Range
On Error Resume Next
If (Target.Count = 1) Then
If (Not Application.Intersect(Target, Me.Range("A:A")) Is Nothing) Then _
Target.Offset(0, 1) = Time
Application.EnableEvents = False
Set xRg = Application.Intersect(Target.Dependents, Me.Range("A:A"))
If (Not xRg Is Nothing) Then
For Each xCell In xRg
xCell.Offset(0, 1) = Time
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True
End If
End Sub
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