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كيفية تطبيق زر لإرسال بريد إلكتروني مرفق به ملف Word الحالي؟ 

إذا كنت بحاجة إلى إرسال رسالة بريد إلكتروني من مستند Word عبر Outlook ، وإرفاق ملف Word الحالي أيضًا ، يمكنك إنشاء زر أمر ، ثم إرسال الرسالة بالنقر فوق هذا الزر دون فتح Outlook. في هذه المقالة سوف أعرض عليكم كيفية التعامل معها بسرعة وسهولة.

قم بتطبيق زر لإرسال بريد إلكتروني مرفق به ملف Word الحالي

قم بتطبيق زر لإرسال بريد إلكتروني مرفق به ملف Word الحالي

يرجى اتباع الخطوات التالية لحل هذه المهمة في ملف Word:

1. أولاً ، يجب إنشاء زر أمر ، الرجاء النقر فوق المطور > أدوات قديمة > زر الأمر (عنصر تحكم ActiveX)، انظر لقطة الشاشة:

زر doc لإرسال بريد إلكتروني 1

2. حدد الزر وانقر عقارات تحت المطور علامة التبويب، في عقارات في الجزء ، اكتب نص التسمية التوضيحية الذي تريده في ملف شرح الحقل ، انظر لقطة الشاشة:

زر doc لإرسال بريد إلكتروني 2

3. ثم أغلق ملف عقارات جزء الآن ، انقر بزر الماوس الأيمن فوق الزر واختر عرض الرمز، انظر لقطة الشاشة:

زر doc لإرسال بريد إلكتروني 3

4. وبعد ذلك ، في الشاشة المعروضة ميكروسوفت فيسوال باسيك للتطبيقات نافذة ، انسخ والصق الكود أدناه بين النصوص الأصلية ، انظر لقطة الشاشة:

Dim xOutlookObj As Object
    Dim xEmail As Object
    Dim xDoc As Document
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Set xOutlookObj = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set xEmail = xOutlookObj.CreateItem(olMailItem)
    Set xDoc = ActiveDocument
    With xEmail
        .Subject = "Fax-data"
        .Body = "This is a test email."
        .To = ""
        .Importance = olImportanceNormal
        .Attachments.Add xDoc.FullName
    End With
    Set xDoc = Nothing
    Set xEmail = Nothing
    Set xOutlookObj = Nothing
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True

زر doc لإرسال بريد إلكتروني 4

ملاحظات: في الكود أعلاه ، يجب عليك تغيير الموضوع أو النص الأساسي أو العنوان المرسل حسب حاجتك.

5. ثم ، احفظ وأغلق هذا الرمز ، انقر فوق وضع التصميم لإيقاف وضع التصميم. الآن ، عند النقر فوق زر الأمر الذي قمت بإنشائه ، سيتم إنشاء بريد إلكتروني باستخدام مستند Word الحالي كمرفق ، انظر لقطة الشاشة:

زر doc لإرسال بريد إلكتروني 5

6. أخيرًا ، ما عليك سوى النقر فوق أرسل زر لإرسال هذه الرسالة.

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؟؟؟؟ هل تريد تجربة هذه الميزات؟ يقدم Kutools for Word أ الإصدار التجريبي المجاني من 60 يومًا، بلا حدود! 🚀
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Hey, in my case the button works well but not in a Word document saved with a password. Can somebody help me to fix this?
Best regards
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Hi Skyyang,

I found this works when a user has MS Word but it seems emails like @hotmail; @gmail; and @live email addresses those users have issues where the button doesn't work?
It seems it also doesnt work on smart phones either if the user relies on using these as opposed to a computer.
Lastly I've had a response from another user using Windows 11 where the button doesn't work at all.

What have you experienced with the above examples please?


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Please see the document attached below.
I need to update it for the 2023 renewals use and when merging the button seems to become disabled as several members told me it doesnt work.


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Hello, Mike,
I have tested your file in my computor, it wors well. I am using Office 2019. Please see the below demo:
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I have found the button works to open an email but when using mailmerge the VBA button becomes inactive for some reason?
How can I ensure when mailmerging is used the button will work for user to complete the form and then activate the button please?
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Hello, Mike,
When I use mailmerge feature, the button is in active.
Could you explain your problem more detailed?
Or you can upload your file here, so that we can check where the problem is.
Thank you!
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Hi Skyyang,

Please see the post I put in below which has the copy attached.
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Hello folks,

I want to apply a button where I click and send the document as email, not as an attachement, to one Email-Adress. So that the document is the text of the email. Just like the effekt of the button "send to recipient" on the ribbon.

Can someone give me the right code for that?

Thank you.
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May be the code can't help to send the current word document as the email body, if to do, the picture and file formatting within the document will be lost.
If you want to send the current document as email body, the Mail Merge can do you a favor.
Do you need the Mail Merge for sending email?
If you need, please comment here.
Thank you!
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thank you for your help!

I would try it with your suggestion. Could u give me the code for mail merge?

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To send current word document as mail body, you can add the Send to Mail Recipient command to your QAT, please do as this:
1. Open your word file that you want to send, and then click File > Options.
2. On the left pane, select Quick Access Toolbar.
3. Select Commands Not in the Ribbon from the Choose commands from.
4. Choose and select Send to Mail Recipient and click the button Add > >.
5. Click OK to close the dialog.

Now, this Send to Mail Recipient command will show up in the Quick Access Toolbar at the top of your Word window. Then, you can insert the relative information into the message header. After finishing the information, please click Send a copy, the message with current word document as body will be sent at once.


Please try this, hope it can help you!
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thank you for your help!

I would try it with your suggestion. So yes, I need the Mail Merge for sending E-Mail.
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Hello Heather,

You can add Bcc to this code. For example, you can add .Bcc = "" just below .To = "". So the code becomes:

Dim xOutlookObj As Object
Dim xEmail As Object
Dim xDoc As Document
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set xOutlookObj = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set xEmail = xOutlookObj.CreateItem(olMailItem)
Set xDoc = ActiveDocument
With xEmail
.Subject = "Fax-data"
.Body = "This is a test email."
.To = ""
.Bcc = ""
.Importance = olImportanceNormal
.Attachments.Add xDoc.FullName
End With
Set xDoc = Nothing
Set xEmail = Nothing
Set xOutlookObj = Nothing
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

Please see the attached picture. Have a nice day.
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Can you add Bcc to this code? I have tried adding Bcc and receive a compile error for expected expression.
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I have create the document but my issue  now is that if I send this form to say 4 people to complete, when they open it up from the email attachment it opens in read only mode and when they click submit it asks them to save as before it will allow the code to open an email addressed to me. Is there a way around this other than giving them the location of the file?
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Hi Extend office,
Can we set a different email not linked to Outlook? Like direct email to GoDaddy account?
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I am trying to find out the same information. I use gmail and I need to create a form to send out to varies different email address that can automatically submit back to my gmail account.
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Does this also work for Lotus Notes?
What must I change in "xOutlookObj"?
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