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  Sunday, January 23, 2022
  1 Replies
  8.2K Visits
If someone can help, that would be great. I would like to use two different equations (K4*1.25) and (K4*1.18) that are selected based on the text in a different cell. For example, if cell B4 contains "Kitchen Cabinets" use (K4*1.18) but if it says anything else, use (K4*1.25). How can this be done? So far the best I can get it to do is populate the cell with my equation as though it is a text value, instead of actually using my equation as a formula like I want it to. 
2 years ago
Hi Ryan$$Mith,

You can use the formula below:
=IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("Kitchen Cabinets",B4)),K4*1.18,K4*1.25)

To see how does it work, please click here to read the instruction:

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